Aubrey Sharp
My name is Aubrey Sharp, and I come from a small town in North Georgia called Canton, GA. My whole life I have always enjoyed the outdoors from playing in the woods as a child to going on hiking trips with my family annually. Water has also always been a love of mine from going to the lake every weekend to making beach trips. Coming out of high school, I excelled in mathematics and science and this swayed me towards the idea of being an engineer. Not all engineering seemed appealing, I wanted to find something that I would enjoy and be passionate about. All of these are reasons that led me to persuieng a degree in Biosystems Engineering. This seemed to be the perfect major for me because I could apply my skills to something I am passionate about. I can now use my skills I learned during my education to have a positive impact to my community and the world as a whole. I am grateful to have found a major I truly love and look forward to beginning my career in.
Throughout earning my eduction at Auburn University, I have taken many classes where I enjoyed some more than others. Over the past year, I have taken some of my favorite classes including site design and natural resources. I really have enjoyed learning how to use programs such as AutoCad and how to complete hydrology reports. These two classes specifically have influenced me to try to pursue a career related to site design and water management. These are fields common in the Civil Engineering field. My goals include getting a job for some type of engineering consulting company out of college and work hard while obtaining as much knowledge as possible. The goal is to eventually earn my Professional Engineering certification, and one day I would like to own my own engineering consulting company after years of hard work and dedication.
Senior design has provided me with the experience of  designing a composting facility for Auburn University. So far, the project has taught me many important aspects. Composting is a great example of how we can recycle waste namely food waste to create a beneficial by product. Recycling is an important part of being a Biosystems Engineer as we strive to preserve the environment and make the world sustainable going forward. The composting site will allow Auburn University to recycle its food waste into a valuable product, top soil, compared to usually hauling it off to a dump where more greenhouse gasses namely methane would be released into the atmosphere. During the project, I have gained a background of how composting works, and the process of producing quality compost. I have also been able to further my site design skills as I have frequently been using AutoCad to develop the site where the composting facility will be located. Going forward in the future, I hope I will be able to show and talk about my design from this project to help find a job and to show the skills I have developed.